Pot Roast with Bacon and Vegetables featuring a hearty braise is perfect comfort food. Fresh herbs and flavorful liquids, combined with long, slow cooking,...
A T-bone steak would also work in this recipe, but take into account whether the cut is smaller than the standard porterhouse and adjust the cooking time...
Salt dough is distantly related to huff paste, a concoction of salt, flour, and water used to protect meat from the heat of an open spit; herbs and garlic...
This savory "cake" is packed with pasta, meaty tomato sauce, and cheese. A springform pan allows it to hold its shape. It takes only a few minutes to pack...
Quick touches are the key to good steak sandwiches: In 15 minutes, the beef absorbs the flavors of the marinade, and sliced onions become a sweet-tart...
Emeril's signature rib-eye steak is pan-grilled, then roasted to perfection and topped with lemon-infused butter. The recipe appears in his book "From...
Because a beef chuck roast has lots of connective tissue, long, slow cooking turns the meat juicy and almost satiny in texture. In fact, it's reason alone...
Stir-frying relies on intense heat to sear proteins and cook vegetables quickly. The combination of earthy chard, bracing garlic, and sweet ginger requires...
If your grill is large enough, you can cook everything at once. Give the hamburgers about a two-minute head start so that everything is ready to come off...
In this wonderfully extravagant showstopper the earthy porcini go hand-in-hand with the garlic, thyme and butter to really kiss the meat as it cooks, creating...
Meet the most memorable steak you'll ever slice. It's a riff on Tuscany's "bistecca alla Fiorentina", a grilled porterhouse that is traditionally topped...
This spiced-up pot roast will make you think of a ranch-house kitchen, where something fragrant and hearty is always in the oven. Long, slow, moist cooking...
Crockpot Award Winning Chili recipe for sure, Simmer for 6 hours on low, will create a nice thick, and heart crock pot chili recipe that is great for all...
Made with half beef and half shredded zucchini and cooked millet or quinoa, these flexitarian meatballs come together in just 30 minutes. Serve them with...
Created for composer Gioachino Rossini, this haute French dish is not for the faint of heart. It combines a thick, bone-in rib steak with a rich truffle...
Lucinda's version of bolognese sauce takes just a third of the time of the original to prepare. Serve it over spaghetti or any pasta you may have in the...
Recipe courtesy Emeril Lagasse, adapted from Essential Emeril: Favorite Recipes and Hard-Won Wisdom From My Life in the Kitchen, Oxmoor House, 2015, courtesy...